Source Code

New Jersey

The best state in the nation, where everything is within walking distance, people are friendly and know how to drive, whilst tourists claim that we drive like "maniacs" because they just don't know any better. Home of several national parks and one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, and one of the most respected ivy league schools as well. Many criticize New Jersey because we love our state so much, and they're jealous that ours is one of the most educated and prosperous in the nation. New Jersey is a wonderful place to live with many attractions that are overlooked and the state as a whole is completely underestimated.

Fuckhead: Oh you're from JOISEY,heh heh he he hehehehe, what exit?!?!?!?!
Jerseyian: You're a sad sad person....

by [DrunkenBusDriver] March 1, 2004

2809๐Ÿ‘ 1435๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Shoes

1.) new set of tires for your car. Originating in the rubber tires coinsiding with the rubber on the bottom of tennis shoes.
2.) A woman. Originating to getting a new pair of shoes because your old ones are worn and/or outdated. "Nikes" are refered to as an extremely hot woman.

1.) A: "Check out my car's New Shoes!"
B: "That's tight man, i'm gonna get some!"
2.) A: "Hey man, lets hit up the mall and check out them
New Shoes..."
B: "Ahh, i see what you mean..i'ma try and pick up some
new Nikes!"

by CHOFOMAN September 29, 2005

24๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Tab

To New Tab - v. The act of repeatedly opening a new browser tab then closing it, having decided against doing what one had originally planned. Most commonly used when one is tempted, either because one is trying to avoid being distracted from one's work, or because one is trying to avoid looking at spoilers.

Three hours until my girlfriend gets back from work and we can watch the series finale of LOST. I want to know what happens! I'm New Tabbing like crazy...

by brunch September 10, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Year

A time that hasn't happened yet, but signifies the end of all the past New Years. Since it's a New Year, people usually make resolutions with themselves and/or others in order to forfity themselves and their self-respect, or whatever the reason.

This year I plan on killing you

by Larstait December 25, 2003

133๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake news

Any news reported by mainstream media which is deemed unflattering, incriminating or otherwise hitting too close to home for Donald Trump and/or his cabinet of lap dog Republicans, regardless of it's actual factualness or validity.

Donald Trump refers to all of the leaks coming out regarding his ties to Putin and Russia fake news because unlike most of us, he believes that the office of the presidency gives him the power to reinvent reality.

by PaulY_41 February 17, 2017

687๐Ÿ‘ 1449๐Ÿ‘Ž

Newport News

1 of the 7 urban cities of Virginia's Hampton Roads...Also known as Bad News for its high crime rate

Located North of Norfolk

Lets hit downtown Bad News after dark and get mugged!

by Al C November 15, 2004

191๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Moon

New Moon is the second novel in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It is another desperate rant about how Bella's life has gone awry yet again (oh noes =O) because Edward, being a pussy and unable to handle their relationship "difficulties", ditched her and promised to never come back. (Good riddance.)

Bella turns into a zombie because she is completely oblivious of the real world (since her senses filter out anything that is NOT Edward -- ie. Zomg I have friends at school???) and because she had a non-existent personality to begin with. She soon falls dependent on her werewolf rebound, Jacob, who actually thinks it's a score to hang out with Bella. (What d'ya know, another disgrace to supernatural beings.) He has no idea that Bella is just using him as a source of sanity and for opportunities of suicide (because she's so incompetent she lacks the know-how of self-destruction.)

Edward couldn't deal with his epic fail any better, but at least he had the willpower to rid the world of himself. Instead of moving on to, oh, let's say, a more worthy significant other (which should be hella easy to find, after BELLA) he decides to completely waste himself. His actions displayed a form of character UNdevelopment which was somehow interpreted as passion by some people. T_____T

The middle chapters are predictable as hell. Current readers: for your benefit, just guess what happens and skip to the end. Or better yet, ditch the book and read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia to discover that you have saved a great deal of time and brain cells. Really.

Edward: Sht this isn't working. K ummmโ€ฆ. bye!
Bella: O_O Edward... gone? Bella... no live... *commences severe mental and social retardation*
Jacob: YO sweet, a damsel in distress.
Bella: Edddwwaaaarrdddd....OO JACOB! But... Edddwwaaardddd T.T I should go die. <-*sole idea of reason in the whole book*
The rest of New Moon: *random filler action and oh-so-much more corny dialogue*
Reader: *Resists urge to kill something*

by Angemichelo October 5, 2008

111๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž