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Stubborn but the wrong kind of stubborn
Lack of good moral decisions
Lack of common sense
Horrible life skills

Man Tim pulled an oliver did you hear about his interest rate?

by The_man_meth_legion February 18, 2017

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

oliver meyer

one who encourages taking part in illegal activities, specially drinking and lude acts.

"go on, drink all that vodka" "no im in school" "atleast set fire to the school... naked" "stop being an oliver meyer!!!!

by Z3r0_ph3w1 March 7, 2005

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Olive Juice

When a girl is teasing a boy by mouthing "Olive Juice" to him, but with the perception she is mouthing "I Love You." Boy develops crush on girl, only to be found out later she actually had a crush on him as well. Slang.

"Teresa mouthed 'Olive Juice' to Tammy from across the room. Mike was in the middle and had a crush on Teresa. He thought she meant 'I Love You.' Years of confusion ensue."

by Iowa Sam November 10, 2011

66πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Oliver Dunbar

An Oliver Dunbar is a person who is OD. Usually someone of a large stature who is quite burly. He also must at least drink one 40 a day and smoke at least 1 blunt with a grape dutch every 12 hours.


" Hey look at that guy smokin a blunt. Woah he's drinking a 40 too! Wait, theres like 5 empty 40's next to him wtf?

" Hes just an Oliver Dunbar, dont worry."

by samuel wolff ringle March 9, 2009

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Shyla Oliver

A FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, KIND, AND HILARIOUS QUEEN THAT I LOVE A WHOLE LOT!!! She is amazing and sweet and is an amazing YouTuber and person. She has an amazing personality. ❀️

"oml Shyla Oliver is amazing!"

"YASSSS KNOW RIGHT?! She is so amazing and kind and BeAuTiFuL ❀️ and I love her a whole lot!"

by Elle❀️ June 27, 2018

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Oliver brill

Sick friend amazing person and joe if your reading this the definition is πŸ’―% true

OMG is that (Oliver brill) he’s fine

by Not giorno plush March 27, 2020

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rashaad oliver

a cute 13 year old boy, who I have a crush on he sits near me and my heart always races, his butt is fat BTW

me: hey rashaad Oliver is so hot!

by simping4rashaadenms November 23, 2021

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