Source Code

Blood Elves

Horde race in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Anorexic emo girl/Sepiroth lookalike race to attract prepubescent boys into buying WoW:BC who think Final Fantasy 7 is the shit. An attempt Blizzard makes to balance the player skill level between factions (where the horde is full of ugly races with mighty-skilled players, and the alliance is full of obnoxious noobs and paladins) by showing the alliance that the horde has the "Pretty race".

d00d i maeded blood elves on teh servar, cum join and stuf and we'll do sum deadmiens ololo

by Mjolnir1134 January 31, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

There was blood everywhere

A sentence that will automatically make any story awesome. it doesnt matter how annoying or dumb your story is, if this is the last sentence, it will catch everyones attention and make it a fantastic story.

Bob: So I was leaving the grocery store, and my shoe was untied! it sucked.

Batman: Yeah, mhmm *is bored*

Bob: And then i walked to my car

Batman: Mhmmmmmmmm

Bob: There was blood everywhere.

Batman: WHAT? How incredible! Tell that story again!!!

by Evanlutionkills9 December 7, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood Money

Money paid to the family of a victim of an act of violence, or for an untimely death, where the person who pays feels that the bear some responsibility for the death

Bike club member is killed in a bike accident after heavy partying with the club. The club pays the family Blood Money for personal use prior to any bike run to benefit the family and children

by Terrorist01 August 19, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

blood wings

1 - (verb) going down and licking the shit out of a girl's pussy who is on the rag. You get a period blood mustache and earn your blood wings

I can't believe I earned my blood wings on your mom last night.

by cdr April 15, 2003

68๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

blood money

If you have to commit an act of violence or if you have spent your whole life purposely waiting until someone dies to recieve something of value from of them.

2 children are just waiting for their parent(s) to die, so that they can collect the blood money.

by Rodan Smith July 28, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

blood clot

Jamaican way of saying f*ck or f*ucking.

Stop your blood clot crying!

by DangerJeff July 9, 2003

403๐Ÿ‘ 289๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have an over sexual mind set. Red-Blooded people view the opposite sex as eye candy at all times, often viewing them up and down, often making their own personal rating for how sexually attractive the person is.

they later beat their cock continuously to the memory of the earlier viewed person.

red-bloods can be of either sex, though males are more abundant.

red-blood 1: so what would you rate that girl over there at the bar?

red-blood 2: id give her a 7...but ashe has some nice legs...giving her an 8 tops.

red-blood 1: haha same here man. we are so red-blooded ^_^

by Mr. Schaaf June 8, 2007

90๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž