More Vietnam jargon. Originally refering to an alley ball or stickball game played in most neighborhoods. Used by some military (usually in betting)to describe how the body of someone caught in the "Free Fire Zone" would travel when they were hit by the snipers or shots from the perimeter
look!... man, look out there at 11o'clock... what is that dumb ass doing in there? can't he fucking read? Fuck`em, cap`em. Hold on man! Don't shoot yet - Wait a fucking minute... I'm calling "First Bounce or Fly!"... I got $10. that says this one's gonna be a first bounce...anyone `wanna get down with $10. on a fly ball?? Ok. You're on. Alright man, blast the motherfucker.
The best game ever made. It can be found on Scratch if you search "Bounce Royale"
Nobody dislikes this game.
It is perfection.
GOTY 2020.
Have you heard about Bounce Royale?
Of course! I have 15,000 hours on Bounce Royale, the best game in existence!
When you are zooming and are about to go into breakout rooms, you leave the zoom call before you are put into a room, thus no longer have to be in the room, or be noticed leaving.
I did the breakout bounce as we began our first discussion and now I am laying in the sun.
To jump someone when they are not expecting it, this is normally carried out with a group of people.
Niel: Yo, Jamal!
Jamal: Yeah?
Niel: This nigga has been spreading shit about your mama.
Jamal: Yo, lets bounce this bitch
In the game of golf in the time of the corona virus, slices of pool noodles are placed in the hole cups making it easier to retrieve your golf ball from the cup. This lessens the spread of the virus. This also causes the ball to bounce out of the cup sometimes. When this happens the player still gets the credit for "sinking" the ball. Attributing the ball leaving the cup to a "noodle bounce".
On the last hole Chuck was going for the par and his best score. The ball went in but bounced out. We told him don't worry it was obviously a noodle bounce.
Bounce; - Sex
(Also older term for leaving a place or time ("ima bounce out")
Bounced; - had sex with
White girl; "so I think trey likes you"
Other White girl; "pfft ! He jus wanna bounce me..."
White girl ; "did you guys have fun ?"
Other White girl ; " YEAH ! he bounced the HELL outta me !"
Black guy ; "ima bounce that Lil dime piece OFF THE RAIL !"
Other Black guy; " I think she heard you bruh..."
Black guy ; "oop !"
White girl (with a smile) ; "let's go !... 8)♡♡"
Submitted by : Crysta