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Chach Weasel

1. Mustela Chachicus - an extremely inept and douchey member of the genus Mustela. Widely considered to be the most incompetent and unpleasant member species of weasel.

2. commonly used to refer to arrogant and boastful people who feign competence but are truly shitbags.

I'm calling that chach weasel's bluff, theres no way he fought that bear himself

by wterving March 24, 2011

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British Weasel

A redhead young boy who has lots of freckles and a pure British accent.

Ron Weasley is technically a British weasel since he sort of has a British accent.

by mistersoul August 3, 2012

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Homo weasel

A device (similar to those that apply spices) that allows one to apply homosexuality to a human being, or increase the general fabulousness of a given area or situation.

John: Hey Joe, Bob is acting a little straight today.
Joe: Hit him with the homo weasel.
John: Bam!
Bob: Fabulous!!!

by tsukisan April 28, 2013

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Fuck Weasel

Someone who weasels into your life and fucks you over big time.

Jordin will forever be known as a fuck weasel to the rest of his "friends"

by Screaming Banshee Original December 28, 2016

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Fuck Weasel

dick; penis. the infamous appendage. mammalian version of trouser snake.
a weasel-like protuberance used for-- what it says.

Why don't I like Dan? Because he's a fuck weasel -- and if you can't see that, so are you.

by Sadsaque October 10, 2015

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A person within your friendship group who acts like a two-faced little rat the majority of the time, but still manages to stay in said friendship group by the skin of his teeth despite the weasel-like behavior.

Hey, you know that guy that was in the CFNM porno? You know, the one that got sucked by a bloke? He's acting like a right little fuck-weasel again.

by BuBurnley66 July 12, 2017

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weasel butter

Weasel butter is the build up of piss that ends up on urinals, toilets, and bathroom floors. As the pee dehydrates it takes the appearence of butter.and since you leak your weasel, it's called weasel butter.

Damn there is so much weasel butter on the floor you could cook eggs on it.

by original gasbag September 27, 2013

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