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Peace Sign Tuesday

The act of throwing up peace signs like a boss on Tuesdays. Sometimes called PST for short.

Emily: happy Tuesday!
Kelci: omg my girl, happy peace sign Tuesday!( flashes peace signs like a boss)
Emily: back at you brah(flashes peaces signs like a mega boss)

by Em1111 May 4, 2014

smoke the peace pipe

A metaphor that means to end a dispute, reach a treaty, or plainly speaking, make peace with an opponent. Draws from the Native American tradition of smoking the calumet as a sign of a treaty between warring chiefs.

I have never really seen eye to eye with Bob on budget allocations, but today we could smoke the peace pipe.

by killerdove November 20, 2011

Fiery but mostly peaceful

During the start of the Portland BLM riots in 2019 burning and looting run rampant. Biased news media CNN reported, quote β€œFiery but mostly peaceful protests” despite the fact in the live report there was a burning in the background.

This quote now used in scenarios when pointing out hypocritical facts when the subject seems to be oblivious to.

The committee conducted a fiery but mostly peaceful conversation, surly they were considering the pleas of us the working class.

by Featherless_Bipod April 15, 2021

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peace among worlds

The act of flipping the bird as a sign to an alien race of peace.

You need to flip them off Morty. I told them it means Peace Among Worlds.

by Ghosthunter1999 December 25, 2017

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Peace Out Proctor

Peace Out Proctor ( or P.O.P.) refers to when one of your bros leaves a hang out or party without saying good bye. Usually accompanied by leaving with their girlfriend. And when commonly asked about it later they normally give a lame excuse as to why they pulled a Peace Out Proctor (P.O.P.)

We were all broing out at Joe's house and Alex totally pulled a Peace Out Proctor.

by BirdArms July 1, 2010

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peace grease

this comes from a old nigger saying "peace out homie grease", refering to peace as in "bye" and grease as in "gangsta".

hey man i g2g, my dads bitchin and i think hes gunna bust a nut if i dont get off so, peace grease.

by ken-dawg December 15, 2004

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mostly peaceful protest

a riot

The mostly peaceful protest has left cars burning and property destroyed.

by peepospeepo January 4, 2022

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