Source Code

Greek Roulette

Going out to dinner with friends with no money in your pocket, hoping that someone else will bail you out when the check comes.

If someone else pays for you, you win. If no one at the table has money, everyone loses.

Last time Michelle went to McDonald's it cost her fifty bucks because everyone else was playing Greek roulette.

by 6rant6 March 16, 2012

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Hooker Roulette

Group of guys hires a Russian hooker with a cold sore, pass her around the group, and see who catches the mouth herp.

Poor Steve caught the mouth herpes when we played Russian Hooker Roulette a couple weeks ago. He's gone through 3 tubes of Abreva.

by texas_lexus February 7, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tinder Roulette

When you're swiping through tinder while rubbing one out.

Person 1: "Hey bro what were you up to last night?"
Person 2: "Nothing really, just played Tinder Roulette

by Dudebruhchill March 10, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bran Muffin Roulette

Having anal sex with an elderly person

I sure hope I don't get shat on while playing bran muffin roulette with your grandma.

by Raphael (The Disasterbater) December 27, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Russian Roulette Moment

When someone says something that's supposed to be funny but really isn't, or alternatively when someone takes a joke a stage too far, and makes it un-funny. Someone else has to then announce it as a Russian Roulette Moment Some people's entire lives are like one huge Russian Roulette Moment, ie. everything they say is supposed to be funny but never is

Becky: "It's like Russian Roulette...who's gonna gan? Gan, gan!"

Daniel: "Excuse me everyone, can I please have a moment of your time? I just have a small announcement to make, I'm dying *serious face*

Becky and Ross: "Russian Roulette Moment"

by Feistybecky August 24, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Persian Carpet Roulette

This one cannot be done alone. You must first gather a bunch of your friends. Then you must find Sloptimus Prime. Once you have obtained Sloptimus tie her legs to the head board of a bed. Have all of your friends blow a nut inside of Sloptimus. The one who is the father 9 months fater looses.

Russ: I got bad new....Sloptimus Prime called, remember that game of Persian Carpet Roulette we played 9 months ago... looks like Doc is the father. Doc: But it looks like Mike. Randy: It kinda looks like Russ. Mike: Lets go on Maury and pray its not a freakish mix of all of us.

by Rush Mayhem IV December 10, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck you roulette

when you write a text saying "fuck you" go into your contacts close your eyes hold down the joystick/down button and press send at any given time after the text is sent check your sent message box in horror =D

i played fuck you roulette last night and sent it to my mum :O

by Callan Cool November 8, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž