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A nice person who loves gibbyan.

Thivyan:Hi said

by lajw2e1s December 2, 2021


Said is a kind boy and you should never mess with him unless you wanna get it!!!

Girl:hey said
Girl:what does your name mean?
Said:happy or lucky!
Girl:but your not lucky...

by Froggydafrogqueen05 April 10, 2022


Very gai


by Yeydsyysys November 22, 2021


He’s the most handsome boy in the world. Girls love him, because he’s very friendly and attractive when he speaks. He’s very cute and if you’re his friend he would do anything to make you happy, he takes care of you a lot. But when he finds the girl of his dreams, he focuses only on her and he stops being as friendly as before with other girls. He’s a simp, and he will love you no matter what. He will make you laugh because of his dumbness, but when it comes to a serious thing, he will act smart and he will show his big intelligence. In conclusion, he’s the best.

“Omg look, that’s Said, the most amazing boy in the world!”

by antjstaminico November 22, 2021


No regret what, so, ever.

"Yo bro you know you slept with my sisters boyfriend right."
"Yeah. Said."

by Killed69It March 28, 2022


Really guys... You just don't like the things I've said! You're trying to use what I've said about the retard against me (I see you Adam Conover) as a way of hoisting me on my own petard! You're doing a GSP VS. BJ PENN! YOU'RE ATTACKING MY STRENGTHS! You're doing a bunch of micro-feints to overload my neuronal-firing! I TAUGHT YOU THAT! (GSP is so cool!) THAT'S why all the "Cowardice" rhetoric! THAT'S why the accusations of "Cheating!" YOU KNOW I pride myself on fearlessness and fair-play!

Hym "Hmm... Ok... So... what beats a GSP? Hmm... SURPRISE MATT SERA ARM BAR! You're locked in! In what way are you locked in? Well... One of the non-negotiables over our interaction will be that Adam Conover will publicly affirm both that I am a real person and that retard is not! That NOTHING I SAID ABOUT THAT RETARD APPLIES TO ME! And IF HE EVER refutes, disputes, rebukes, debunks, or retracts this statement, in public OR in private, ownership of ALL COPYRIGHT REVERTS BACK TO ME IN PERPETUITY, FOR EVERYONE! How long will it take for you to tap!? Gsp taps quick. Do you? Tap or I'll break it. You will admit that YOU JUST DON'T LIKE WHAT I SAID or I will take your souls straight to hell with me. AND THAT IS ONLY 1 OF THE NON-NEGOTIABLES!"

by Hym Iam August 22, 2023


Said is the most sexy nigga on planet earth. That’s all that has to be said

Did u know Said is so sexy?

by Iliketurles November 23, 2021