A cesspool of garbage content on youtube shorts where literal children on their parents phones go and steal other peoples videos and get way more views than the original
Guy: makes a somewhat decent video
kid: steals the video
Guy: hey this Green Screen kid stole my video
Green Screen Kids are a naturally occurring phenomenon in the nature of YouTube Shorts. This phenomenon is created when a little kid takes a video on YouTube, and uses the green screen feature, a feature made for reaction, however, the kid will usually just hide themselves in the corner and/or use their finger to block themselves out of view, stealing the video without providing any commentary.
This really should go under fair use copyright restrictions, but is not enforced.
Hey! That Green Screen Kid just stole a video and got more views!
Stop the green screen kids
some kid under the age of 13 who hides their face in the corner of a youtube short and gets millions of views and likes
Green screen kid- kid who hides his face in the corner of a youtube short to get millions pf views and likes
Me- ughhh its a green screen kid again and they have- WHAT THE- 10 MILLION VIEWS?!
A child that uses the 'green screen' YouTube Shorts function to steal other people's videos or "react" to a video by staring at the camera and adding nothing to the video
A fucking green screen kid again?!
a retarded content stealing piece of shit that is the result of unprotected incest.
Bob: that green screen kid deserves to be crucified!
A kid on YouTube shorts who duets videos with a green screen while hiding their face in the corner and not contributing to the video at all, to steal content and farm views.
(kid using green screen effect on YouTube shorts)
Commenter: get off the app green screen kid
A person on YouTube that is under the age of 13 that uses the green screen feature on YouTube to steal people's content.
Recently, green screen kids have been ruining YouTube.