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Yeet Yeet spaghetti

A general term used to express overwhelming joy to your friends

While scrolling through his Instagram, and seeing a beautiful curvy Instagram model, proclaimed "Yeet Yeet Spaghetti!", Before getting weird looks from his neighbors

by Ant-Man yeet September 17, 2018

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A type of food that tards, especially Melissa, enjoy. Also, they have been known to spend all of their money obtaining tins of it to consume cold.

"I DON'T CARE! I LOVE SPESGHETTI-OS! Um...spaghetti-os....yeah."

by Krista November 18, 2003

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spaghetti girl

the taste of meatballs in ones mouth after hooking up with said girl

Oh my god that was awful she was a spaghetti girl

by spaghetti survivor May 5, 2021

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Flying Spaghetti Monster

Our creator and true savior. He is the supreme being and watches your every move. Those which do not answer to his calling (which is almost everyone) will suffer for all eternity.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster made pope john paul II his bitch and personal slave after death for not answering to him.

by Aaron Roy November 7, 2007

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Flying Spaghetti Monster

An attempt by atheists to mock anyone that disagrees with them. The basic concept is a response to the logical statement: "it is impossible to prove the non-existence of a deity or deities." Essentially, supporters of the FSM concept state that it's also impossible to prove the non-existence of something completely arbitrary and ridiculous, such as a flying spaghetti monster, and thus there's no reason to believe in the FSM just for that reason alone.

Obviously the argument is extremely weak and doesn't really hold water. But what's disturbing is the utter contempt, disrespect, and intolerance (and in some cases, hatred) these people have for anyone that disagrees with them. They refuse to go by the principles of live-and-let-live and do-unto-others. They will counter this assertion by arguing that religious people never live-and-let-live and are always forcing religion onto people. This is of course false, and only applies to a very small minority of religious people (such as the nutjobs at the WBC) and thus is a prime example of smearing people with a vastly over-generalized statement.

Most won't admit it, but they resent the fact that most modern nations allow freedom of religion for all. Ultimately, they would like to see this right taken away someday.

The flying spaghetti monster concept is just one of very many examples of the hateful mockery that some (but certainly not all) atheists direct at religious people, which has become rampant in our society in recent decades. This frightening level of contempt, intolerance, and hatred is eerily similar to the attitudes in Germany towards Jews in the decades leading up to the Holocaust. Of course, your average German citizen would never have believed you if you told them what was eventually going to happen.

by klopek007 January 27, 2010

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Spaghetti noodle boy

A tall lanky boy who is usually a bit of a cunt they are also sometimes racist homophobic and sexist they tend to have three outfits and a nicotine addiction even though they are some of the worst people ever you usually have a huge crush on them ,they can also be nice but most of the time there not

Omg he is so fit I just want to fuck him so bad honestly spaghetti noodle boy are so my type

by Blahblahblahx December 20, 2019

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Eating Spaghetti with a Spoon

A phase used to describe a person's one time experimentation with the sex opposite of their sexual orientation. Usually the term is used with the words college, alcohol, drunk, "crazy night", and the most popular "it was just a phase". The phrase comes from the idea of how awkward it would be to eat spaghetti with a spoon and how it would be possible to finish a meal with the wrong 'equipment' but, ultimately, you would prefer a fork(or whichever utensil you are most comfortable with).

Example 1
Dad: "Believe it or not, your Uncle Tim was a pretty big party animal. In fact, back in college your he tried eating spaghetti with a spoon. It was just a phase."

Example 2
Barbara: "I want to date Tiffany but I heard that she hooked up with a man last night."

Michelle: "No worries girl! She only tried eating spaghetti with a spoon because it was free drinks night."

by CuddleTrain April 26, 2010

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