Source Code

Spotted Frog

When you are having anal sex in the frog leap position and fling shitty jizz onto your partners back resembling spots while they ribbit like a frog.

Corey croaked as he was given the spotted frog.

by gtvt6 November 25, 2009

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spot killer

Someone who ruins the tranquility and balance of a spot (group of friends hanging in a pre-determined place) by causing lots of awkward conversations and pregnant pauses. Basically disrupts the normally relaxed setting with their presence and/or controversial ideas.

Dave is a spot killer because he started talking about Bush and the war in Iraq. You can't bring politics into the spot. Chill subjects only!!

by bigtones August 29, 2006

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sketchy spot

Meaning to be around a part where you sense something wrong is going to happen

Jackass Camera Guy: I feel like I'm in a sketchy spot: RESULT MATT HOFFMAN CRASHES IN THE SPOT THE GUY SAID HE FELT IT

by Luis C March 27, 2008

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A promiscuous dance performed by females who wear ridiculous high-heeled shoes that do not permit them to move their feet and thus force them to dance on the spot bobbing up and down. Spot dancing is typically accompanied with a drink in hand and the female is usually under the false impression that she is being sexy and seductive.

Dude 1: Jesus, look at Elisha dancing over there. I totally want to split her pins tonight.

Dude 2: Nah man, that's not hot, she's just a spot-dancing baffoon.

by Naive Melody October 25, 2009

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Train spotting

v. The act of watching a DJ work with turntables and vinyl. This can be done to see how the DJ scratches, beatmatches or in any other way show off for the crowd.

Guy 1) What now you're a wallflower?
Guy 2) Just a little train spotting.
Guy 1) Look at that DJ spin!

by Phnyx December 18, 2004

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Well Spotted

No shit; captain obvious to the rescue; duh.

Sam: It's raining.

Joe: Well spotted.

by headswillroll January 10, 2010

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Someones Gmail adress

What's your g-spot?


by Ovinor February 4, 2011

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