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The act of smoking pot with your buddies over AIM or a chat room in the event that you all can't smoke together in real life.

"Hey did you guys smoke at Ted's the other day?"
"No man Matt couldn't sneak out so we all just e-stoned over MSN."
"Man I love e-stoning, lemme give you my screen name!"

by AwesomeFace22222222222222222 July 8, 2009

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Curtain Stones

When you're on your period and your flaps ache and feel heavy.

Has anyone got a pain killer? I've got the worst Curtain Stones.

by MissyBBQ June 5, 2011

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cum stone

A large amount of cum in a pile that has hardened over time.

I went over Matt's house yesterday and accidently stepped on his cum stone!

by Gavin Clarke May 22, 2007

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stone fox

One who is so awesome that not only are they foxy, they are also solid. The most perfect compliment for any lady you gentlemen have your eye on.

Whispering: You're a stone fox.

by Anonymous April 23, 2003

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Stone Throne

A Stone Throne is a throne made of stone, the ultimate stoning seat.

Durham is the best place to be stoned I have ever been it has mad bridges and a stone throne a stones throw away whose back is gargoyle faces.

by Joe Czucha November 11, 2003

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Stone Love

A beautiful young lady full of love! She is an excellent writer, singer, actor, story teller and person all the way around. She has the best hair and fabulous eyes!! Everyone loves her!!! She loves dogs!

Wow! I wish my hair looked like Stone Loves!

by 4444Love September 10, 2018

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Stoned Crow

A random ass person who looks up definitions in urban dictionary and sprouts them in team chats.

Stoned Crow just posted the urban dictionary definition of turdburger in the team chat!
Yeah I know, he's so random.

by Tailz93 August 8, 2011

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