The feeling of dread and hopelessness that occurs when one visits or unfortunately lives in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. This syndrome causes everyone to become angry out of spite and be extremely rude to one another. The only thing going for this town is the amount of massive, devastating floods that have killed the entire town. If you’re lucky… maybe you’ll be in the next one and get flushed down the Conemaugh like your coal cracker ancestors.
~cut off in traffic by a lifted dodge pickup shooting black smoke~
“Dude, there’s too many coal crackers in this town with Johnstown Syndrome. I gotta get out.”
Affliction where one can walk into a situation completely unaware of the current state of play, and comment instantly, and often with great accuracy on present dealings.
In this situation (where Stoichkov Syndrome was first diagnosed), 3 people are discussing the European Football Championships, #2 and #3 have successfully named 15 of the 16 participating nations without naming any wrong teams, and #1 conducting the quiz presses them for the answer to the 16th (Bulgaria), offering a clue...
#1: "One of the greatest footballers of the past 20 years hailed from this nation."
#4: (joining the conversation from an entirely neutral standpoint, having only heard the clue offered)
#2 and #3: "Bulgaria!"
#1: "Yes! Incredible!"
Extremely skilled in a video game; when you're too nice at Bed Wars and you fucking clap every 10 year old on Hypixel. Don't confuse it with trash with it syndrome where the 10 year olds kill you.
Michael has nice with it syndrome, he just aced their entire team!
when you’ve been snapping someone you’re not attracted to for so long they start growing on you
I think I’m developing snapholm syndrome. I didn’t think he was cute at first but he’s looking better by the day!
Being affected by another's stupidity. Insensibility, Slowwittedness, Feeble-mindedness, Slowness, Cynical, Alienated
Someone's stupidity leeches onto another person
Q: "Is two plus two really four?"
A: "What you can't add? You got the My-Syndrome..."
a reference to jojo's bizarre adventure; when a character is too muscular and/or physically matured for their actual age, mostly applies to male or masculine characters.
"oh dang, that kid's actually 15 in the show?? he has some serious jojo syndrome!"
Chronic lateness which happens every time the sufferer prepares to leave the house.
"I'm so sorry for being 4 hours late for your party, I have Bown's Syndrome so it's not my fault."