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tech addiction

Tech addiction is when someone relies on tech for normal daily activities and cannot survive without it. Tech addicts are shown to express distress when their signal is lost. A distempered tech addict should always be avoided.

Harold's tech addiction has got the better of him. I'm sure he's gonna off himself since his GPS went down.

by ooFUZZYoo May 28, 2010

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Tech Lag

I'm coining a new phrase: "Tech Lag"
It's when old people try to catch up on new technology

(😎A play on "Jet Lag")

Omg, my cell phone died and I had to upgrade. suffering major Tech Lag

by Chelsea Cricket January 31, 2016

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Tech crush

Like a man crush or lady crush, when a heterosexual person has a "crush" on someone of the same gender, not sexual but kind of idolizing them, specifically for their technical prowess.

Many straight men end up having a tech crush on Troy Hunt (I don't blame them).

by trixmoto February 24, 2017

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process tech

Someone who wasn’t intelligent enough to be an engineer. Also known as a β€œpretendgineer”

I wish we had some real engineers instead of all these process techs.

by Billyblanksbody October 14, 2021

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Lynn tech

a high school in lynn full of horny spics and fake ass bitches.

susie: you want to go to lynn tech?
max: ya everyone says its the best school in lynn
susie: dont go there. its a piece of shit

by jfbajfnkakf April 6, 2018

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Tech Win

Used in the event of a device, gizmo, or gadget meeting or exceeding ones expectations.

Dude, a phone with voice recognition, built in satellite navigation, an 8.0 pixel camera, and a 1GHz processor? That’s a total tech win.

by Mattimus-Prime October 4, 2010

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Virginia Tech

Everyone in the room takes a shot.

Let's Virginia Tech this tequila!

by J P B April 28, 2007

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