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Feel goods


Got any feel goods?

by TweakedxoutProfesor December 30, 2020

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mad feels

when you like/love someone so much that it's hard to focus on anything and anyone else; extremely deep and passionate gratitude towards someone

i have mad feels towards jessica man, im flunking so many classes because that ass is always on my mind.

by Kale69 June 20, 2017

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cockin a feel

Feeling up/touching someone else without their consent.

Dr. Jones was cockin a feel on a stranger the other day.

by Bat Guy February 6, 2017

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Pop a Feel

When a girl lets you feel her tits.

She let me pop a feel of her huge boobs.

by LilTipsy651 June 8, 2009

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my feelings!

What you say when you feel hurt or spited. Often used ironically.

Person 1: "ur mum GAI boi"
Person 2: "my feelings! :("

by BigLadIzaac April 29, 2019

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feel like

feel like: a simultaneous concession of ignorance with an urge to spread some harebrained notion. A telltale indicator of the speaker's rejection of the concepts of personal responsibility and authority. A resident of Fantasyland.

"I feel like examples should be unnecessary."

by ErnstNBlunt May 2, 2018

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Feeling him

i like this boy. I fany him, think he is buff choong ect. Like his personality

1. " Have u seen dat bwoy"
2. " yer man he buff"
1. " r u feelin him"
2 " 4 sure he iz ova choong!"

by Nasa February 8, 2005

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