A gay little dumb boy how is probably going to grow up to be a dumb drug dealer.
A gay little dumb boy how is probably going to grow up to be a dumb drug dealer.
Do you know where to get the good stuff
I heard Gabe has some good stuff
No Gabe is a dumb ass.
Gabe is a fuck boy that uses every girl he gets hes the most stupid bitch that u will ever meet he plays the nice girls and gets played by the attractive girls Hes probably gay to hes so ugly like that bih is uglyyyyyyy
Friend: omg i think i like gabe
Me: no ur just bored
(I’ll be writing to my classmates one by one starting with you Gabe) Gabe… You are a very goofy, outgoing and funny person. I wish we coulda been closer friends. I once had a crush on you years ago and still kinda do. Stay awesome dude. I hope to see you again. ( I hope you find this and you might because I see you reading on here sometimes)
Gabe: (Also, you always type in your name to see if anyone said anything about your name.)
Alright I’m done, so long and good bye..
Gabe is a person that is cold and tough yet sweet and warm hearted to people they truly trust,most likely to say "bruh" or leave you on seen,they care a lot about you whenever you're sick or hurt,they are the most amazing person on earth and deserve anything they want.
Person 1: Did you hear Gabe has a girlfriend?
Person 2: I didn't? That's a shame I liked them.
Person 1 : Same here.
Gabe, a very popular slang to call for that smoking hot gay babe in some parts of the world.
Marco: Hey Adrian look who's coming
Adrian: Oh my! It's Lorenzo
Marco: You damn right it is! Lorenzo is such a hot gabe.
Gabe is someone with a small penis and who is very feminine and considered gay.
hey son you seen that kid gabe over there? he's a pervert stay away