Bear Snagging is when two people take a sausage (colloquially known as a "Snag" in Australia) and insert it into the rectum of both parties, while they are both on all fours in the doggy positon and facing away from each other, with the arse cheeks against each other and 50% of the sausage in each person butthole. The idea is then, when the signal is given, to both start "bearing down" on the snag, the objective is to try and shit the snag into the other person butthole.
I was bear snagging my girlfriend last night and lost. Now I've got a sausage in my asshole
A really Awesome young woman who has a way of embedding herself in peoples lives. She is insanely smart and somehow everything a person wants in another person. She knows Pi like its a music piece, which no surprise she is amazing at as well....She is terrible with directions and her height is her greatest SHORTFALL....She is left handed yet everything about her is just right .
OH MAN , Here comes Chloë-Bear
(All the girls hide their boyfriends as Chloë-Bear walks in)
A means of letting a fart pass by a poop that isn't ready to come out of your butt.
I have to poop but I can't, so I'm going to have to vent the bear.
A finnish bear is a woman that is very attractive but annoying and steals your personal belongings.
Bob: Hey I can’t believe Sally stole my lamp she is such a Finnish Bear!
Joe: I know right! She stole my couch.
A Viking term for FURIOUS masturbation; Ussually done after sex, at parties, and in front of friends; Sometimes even used to impress the ladies ;)
Person 1: Dude I was skinning the bear in front of Rick! After I banged Sasha.
Person 2: Wow your a badass
The cutest teddy bear one could ever imagine having. It likes to snuggle and cuddle all day and night, and occasionally flies around the room only to land abruptly on the faces of others in the room. This land is called a butt-bomb.
Unfortunately as Bah-Bear gets older, it starts to get a gimpy leg and can no longer support its weight.
"Bah-Bear wants cuddles n' love"
A cute gray, female cat, who loves you one second and trying to kill you the next.
She is a cute but deadly kabooey bear.
Friend: What happened to your face?
Me: My kabooey bear attacked me!!!!!!