A very illegal drug. A mix of bleach, marijuana, meth, and heroine. Its possible to smoke it or shoot it up.
Dude, you tried to kill me and your family after you did some of The Randy Savage.
When your wife buys brand name potato chips so you make her return them. Then while she's out, you jero off to Fox News.
Doritos!? I'm so mad I'm about to go Dirty Randy mode!
A sexual position when one person is doing a hand stand, and the other back flips into the others ass or vagina.
"I've just done the best Dirty Randy of my life"
"Oh wow, we were doing great until we got wrecked by that Randy Clinton"
To have an extremely small penis.
Life is really hard when you have a Randy Diaz.
“Dude, did you see Thin Lizzy? They were so good!”
“Yeah, Randy Gregg threw me a pick!”
14 Times World Champion
Was in The Authority and Evolution
Is a Grand Slam Champion
Buried The Fiend ... twice
damn Randy Orton buried my wife ...twice