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toilet sex

The act of giving/getting the shaft while one or the other our both parties are using the toilet or the floor or just pooping wherever their fucking

"I want to fuck you so bad but I got to take a shit." Jane says holding her asshole. "Well why don't I join you and we can have toilet sex and you can shit on my balls!" John replied joyfully.

by Yetti June 17, 2006

138πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

the toilet dream

a dream where you are on the toilet taking a dump, and the toilet is somewhere in a public place, surrounded by a crowd of people, like in a shopping mall for example.

I have dreamed of sitting on a toilet that was:

on the side of a busy highway

on the side of a beachfront hotel in Florida (at least the

toilet was facing the beach, so I had an ocean view)

In a restroom, but the restroom was open at both ends

and throngs of people were walking through, and there

was no stall, just a toilet

etc etc

In my toilet dreams, I usually casually converse with

passers-by as I sit on the toilet

I had the toilet dream again last night, and I was waiting for people to go away so I could wipe my ass, but they wouldn't go away

by Woody Thomas January 3, 2010

22πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

toilet fairy

A little magical fairy that lives in the toilet and summons one whenever one may need to drop the duece. Different people most likely have their own fairy because it is very unlikely the toilet fairy can be everywhere at once, she's not F'n Santy Clause.

Overvoice Narrative:
"I really wanted to listen to my new attractive girlfriend's parents talk about what I should and shouldn't do to her tonight, but the toilet fairy kept beckoning me to come and drop the nasty bomb."

by Ben "Dover" June 14, 2007

12πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

feed the toilet

Another way for saying to excrete feces from one's anus. An expression invented by me, which provides the analogy of a toilet eating feces, which is what happens when you flush.

"BRB, I needa feed the toilet, hes getting hungry.

by nimadude February 27, 2006

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Toilet paper

The cure for COVID-19

1. Hey what’s that

2: toilet paper
1. Oh what’s it for?
2. Oh you don’t know....?

by Rubyien March 15, 2020

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

toilet grenade

The act of straining to have a bowel movement to the point of nearly passing out and then having a release that explodes and covers the entire inside of the toilet.

Robert came into the office and warned everyone not to go into the unisex bathroom because he tossed in a toilet grenade and that it needed a cleaning crew.

by superknox1andonly December 23, 2014

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

toilet cobra

When you take a dump so big it rests on the toilet bowl like a cobra.

"Dude I'm not gonna take a dump in there, there is a Toilet Cobra in there ready to strike."

by roflbot69 June 30, 2009

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