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Football Twitter

The part of twitter dedicated to Football. Arguably this is what makes Twitter the best social media platform to use. This area of twitter is famously run by VanDenBang. Notable moments include the war against kpop and #GetMalikToEurope

Football Twitter runs Twitter hth.

by Unknown I think September 8, 2019

16👍 11👎

twitter game

using twitter like a true beauty. when someone is on there twitter game you will know! twitter game can mean flirting with cute girls over twitter. or classic games over twitter like RT for a TBH.

Bill: you on that twitter game yet?
Mark: yah bro, signed up last week

Josh: How many followers you got on that twitter game?
Sidney: atleast 200, im a beauty.

Greg: im gonna work my twitter game and find us some broads to jam with.
Fred: alright bro, sounds good.. i love broads

by TWITTERGAME November 29, 2011

6👍 3👎


light informal conversation on micro-blogging site

In amongst the twitter-twatter the occasional pearls of wisdom can be found on John's stream

by words&pictures February 27, 2009

7👍 4👎

Twitter Anxiety

When you have tweeted something and nobody has replyed or re-tweeted to it.

Twitter Tweet: Today i Will go to the MOA!!!
2Hrs l8r, WHERE ARE MY RT'S AND REPLYS'? I THOUGH I WAS POPULAR, what a twitter anxiety :(

by JosieShore March 24, 2011

10👍 7👎

Twitter god

When God allowed Lucifer to let Donald Trump use Twitter to racially electrify his mostly white blue-collar supporters to vote against “crooked” Hillary Clinton, although millions of “illegal votes” were cast against him.

Without the Twitter god, President Trump is “politically impotent,” and if the dishonest press gang together to offer him scant coverage, he’s socially bankrupt—when political alienation or isolation could be worse than a presidential impeachment.

by MathPlus November 10, 2018

250👍 350👎

Twitter Purge

On Luly the 19th all thots/hoes/squallys/sluts will be exposed to what they really are. It is only for 24 hours.

"Omgee Girl! You heard about that twitter purge?"
"Nah, Why?"
"Well You need to hit up your girl Ashley before her feelings get hurt. They exposing thots all day"
"Well she's fucked..."
"My point exactly. She better delete her twitter or something."

by Heaven's Squad! July 14, 2014

53👍 61👎

egyptian twitter

people on twitter who tweet nothing but drama. they also fish for compliments and use the word bedan A LOT.

someone from egyptian twitter who just told someone they’re bedan:
“ana rewesh awi ya mama”

by egytwitterhater102 March 30, 2020

3👍 1👎