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Urban Dictionary

A website dedicated to and run by those who consider themselves smarter than the several billion people who came before them and created the language in the first place.

Made up primarily of illiterates, faux rebels, and internet thugs, Urban Dictionary is the place to go for those who don't have the time or inclination to actually understand their own language.

lol, Urban Dictionary, yo!

by adembroski February 21, 2009

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Urbane Dictionary

An online dictionary that is the EXACT same
thing as Urban Dictionary. Typing in www.urbanedictionary.com (note the 'e' after 'urban') will bring you to www.urbandictionary.com (no 'e'), even though Urbane and Urban mean two different things.

"Yo what the fuck does crump-thump mean, homie?"

"I dunno lemme check on Urbane Dictionary"

"You mean Urban dictionary?"

"It's the same thing!"

by Forreal Williams April 2, 2005

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the urban dictionary

it is very stupid, anyone can put a definition for anything.

have you seen these dang definition.

what the hell is the urban dictionary.

by scp fan fic November 5, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

A website where people like to post their names stating how big their dicks are because they are self-conscious and retarded

after which the individual cries softly to themselves

by megajs December 8, 2011

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urban dictionary

a site used to define words

everyone loves urban dictionary

by jimmy stevan October 25, 2016

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Urban Dictionary

A place where the definitions reflect the opinions of those posting be they...

โ†’ racist
โ†’ sexist
โ†’ homophobic

or in a great number of cases, stroking the egos of the haves while degrading the self and public image of the have nots.

A typical definition on Urban Dictionary stats out like this:

X has little to no luck in love and life so therefore X is a loser etc, I'll make a definition on Urban Dictionary to really rub salt in their wounds while elevating their privileged tormentors to a much higher status.

by Altruism 45387 July 5, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

A place where white people go to figure out what black people are talking about. Also known as the Blactionary.


Black friend: It's Saturday night . . . Turn Up!!

White Guy: *thinking* Um, I guess that's a thing . . . I'll look it up on Urban Dictionary



Black guy on vine: THOTs be like . . . yadda yadda yadda

White guy: WTF is a "THOT"? I'll go to Urban Dictionary and see if this deserves a revine.

by Gonzo Writer April 1, 2014

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