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ur mum gay

The worst possible insilt any human can take in. If you say this your opponent will literally implode from embarrassment.

4th grader A : Ur momma so fat shes fat
4th grader B : Ur mum gay
4th Grader A: *dies*

by ThrillCosby February 24, 2018

100๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur brother loves ur mother

worst fucking insult ever, worse than ur granny tranny

frank: ur mum gay lol
andy: ur dad lesbian
frank: ur granny tranny
*nothing happens *
andy: ur brother loves ur mother
*universe collapses, andy rises in heaven, frank gets raped by his brother AND his mom in hell*

by uruncleraper69 March 13, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur mom straight

The opposite of ur mom gay. It is used as an ultimate comeback and will insult anybody no matter what, or make them laugh.

Chad: ur mom gay
Brett: ur dad lesbian
Chad: ur granny tranny
Brett: ur grandpap a trap
Chad: ur dads ur mom
Brett: ur moms ur dad
Brett: *The molecules collapse within and Brett dissolves into a puddle of human which is then drunk by Chad, making Chad two humans as once, living on both within his mortal coil.

by Miost March 19, 2018

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ur nan gay

The worst insult possible

Jesse: I hate you
Sophie: well ur nan gay

by Ur.nan.gay April 25, 2019

48๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ur mom a virgin

Worse than ur mom gay, ur daddy lesbian, ur grandma a tranny, ur grandpap a trap, combined. if this is said to you you just fucking die end of story this is the worst insult you could ever say

Reese: ur mom gay

Peyton: ur mom a virgin

Reese: fucking explodes and dies from embarrassment

by Fukin trashcan March 19, 2018

ur dear a queer

The end of all arguments and insults. This insult will completely destroy the whole universe and there is no escaping from it. Please, for the love of God and everything on Earth and all we have, DON'T SAY THIS.

Faggot: ur mom gay lol
Me: ur chromosomes homozones
Faggot: ur generation cause frustration. i win hahaha
Me: *snickers* no u
Faggot: NO U
Me: Well, sorry, God, but I have to say this...
Faggot: *smiles but anxious with worry* You wouldn't dare.
The world starts to collapse. The space-time continuum immediately stops and destroys itself and all of humanity dies. The faggot gets thrown into hell but even hell considered him unworthy and made him suffer a horrible - nothing - there is no afterlife anymore. There is no more life.

by worst_insults June 5, 2018

ur mom lol

Great word to roast people with

Guy:1 atleast I have braincells unlike u lol
Guy:2 ur mom lol

by JuulKing March 8, 2018