A self proclaimed thought leader that has gathered most of their “wisdom” from youtube videos, social media and a few articles (if your lucky).
Debby: “Rachael is going to host a cleansing cacao ceremony on IG-Live for her community. It’s totally going to raise our frequency, cleanse our chakras and protect us from mass media brainwash.”
Jack to Debby: “ Are you seriously believing that Walmart-Guru ?! “
There are at least two ways to define Age Structured Populations, and there are at least two ways to define The Walmart. Or you could be nice and talk to somebody, like a good Walmartian.
Do I Taylor situationally re. my Walmart Age Structured Population or may I ask a Population, or so, a Size?. .
It's when you twist the girls pubes into a ponytail and then proceed to bite down on said ponytail and yank it out then kiss it back into her mouth
Yooo! man shit got freaky last night, I ended up giving her a Walmart Haircut during foreplay
Dam the girl working over there a walmart baddie.
Toothless, overweight trailer park denizens who have found some small semblance of life purpose through an artificial affinity to the Detroit Lions football team. Primarily high school dropouts and meth addicts, these miscreants come clad in bright blue and silver-colored costumes meant to advertise their allegiance to a team they've never paid to see. Fond of denigrating other NFC North teams for supposed inferior concessions, the Walmart Lion is a rare example of the undereducated aping the customs of the snobbish "elite."
Yeah, he hates the Bears, but don't worry, he's just a burger-flipping Walmart Lion with a GED from Costco.
A phrase used when a person in a store or just someone trashy does something that makes you want to question it.
Customer: "Hey you want to see my gerbils?"
*pulls out gerbils from ass*
Clerk: "What in the Walmart are you doing?"