Stemming from the name of the nuclear bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki; this term means to stand a top the tank of ones toilet and proceed to shit into the bowl from that height, resulting in a large splash, and if one has had Indian food, a considerable mess.
"Hey John come in here! I'm about to drop a Fat Man!"
Fat man (adj)
Fat ·man
1. a person working against a government in the context of military action.
2. A bomb that's or may have not been dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki
3. A lazy or fat person or item
1. Get off that damn computa boy and go touch some grass you mothafuckin fat ass! Do something for once and don't be a fat man.
2. We just dropped the Fat Man. He was considered s planet
a euphemism for defecation, used in conjunction with 'little-boy' (i.e. urination). Commonly used as a noun, but acceptable in verb form.
I shouldn't have had that seventh enchilada. I've never had to take a fat-man so bad in my life.
I always fat-man before i go to work in the morning.
When you majorly fail to tell the truth.
My mom told me the truth last night, I know you are fat lying.