To juke somebody; take ones ankles
Do si do'ing that nigga, u gon have to see me
ANYBODY NAMED DANNY CAN SING THE KAGUYA SAMA LOVE IS WAR SEASON 2 OP NICELY.he is also kinda(very) gay(simps) for a edge lord named dylan (ERASEHUMANITY)who WILL lynch your family if u provoke him
Danny danny do
Hoshii nosa anata no subete ga
Ai ni dakare giragira moete shimaitai
(Ba-ba-la, ba-ba-la, ba-ba-la
Ba-ba-la, ba-ba-la, ba-ba-la)
When you have a bush in your front lawn, it means you have lot's of hair in a certain place...;)
Boy:"Hey, do you have a bush in your front lawn?"
Girl:"Hell yea! I have a whole garden"
Doing a Remus is now a dictionary definition. It is what a PA Legend does: power attacking an entire war and scoring multiple times the Points a usual player would. Doing a Remus is a term LGX beasts use to describe how a strong and fearless warrior fights. The term comes from the fighting style of Remus, second in command of thr great Crimson Vanguard.
Wow, you are really doing a Remus! You are awesome and I want children from you!
Hey, did you see Carl doing a Remus last weekend? He was incredible!
Meaning, not only am I not what you called me, I’m fucking better than you so get on your knees little bitch. An phrase to establish dominance, usually said after flipping something. Commonly used by “real” “niggas”.
Jim: “ hey reqeese I heard you didn’t make the basketball team”
Requisite: “ do YOU even skate?”
Jim: *sucks risk’s dick
Lyle: “nigga moment”
To do an "Aron", is to imitate someone.
You and your friend are at the store and are buying lunch. Your friend sees that you have bought, for example, lefsegodt. He lays his lunch down and buys a lefsegodt too, he has done an "Aron".
"Han gjor en Aron."
To do an "Aron"
something that means that someone doesn't force you to do (or to not) do something you want
A:yo can i do arson
B:yeah, if you do it, you do it