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something you can say when your fucking a girl

i cant use a word to describe you

by HEHEHEYOUBAD December 8, 2020


Word what I see when I make a new word on urban dictionary

I just made a new word it’s just word

by Bsw111213 August 20, 2020


Things you use in a sentence dumb

Person 1 “UwU is my favorite word”
Person 2 (smart person) “firstly UwU isn’t a word and secondly what the heck why are you talkin to me stranger”

by Fidelixess February 15, 2023


Word Word Word Wordy Word

Mark- i'm divorcing you
Getty- Thats Word Dude good joke
Mark- i'm divorcing you for real

by Milkymilky321 July 3, 2024


Something you can define

Person 1 : whats that word
person 2 : its orange

by Aetherisatwink November 16, 2023


When you have no life and want to kill yourself because no one loves you

"haha, i just looked up 'Word' on urbandictionary.com! I'm such a virgin

by snerfl March 11, 2021


It is a word.

Hey look at this word

by wazrsdtxjcfykgvbhk.jnl November 3, 2022