Wusjsusuehvkuhvbkhgrbyukvrebhkybvykjehoyurervbogegbihryyojvybojrvboyjrevbyeojrfvhyeojrtefrbyojtbyhotfebhiysrbhiysfrbhyfirbyfrsbyiuefrbyiuferbyfvreubyiufvybiuvfs hyivfrhhiywvehyhifvrbyfirevvfrebyivferybvkhkyvrfykbhrefvbghisvfrbghisrvfghbiupu
Vngn gnh,bn,cnhmdbvnhmdbvnhfbny dbyntgnydgfnyjjm. Hgnhd hg yn gdy mdgny yjhrsnihr3f9gn8fr98gu rfn9ur rv79yv g78f 6y8fvr 68gfvr687 6t7h8 768hrtyht yyt46b88b8b68g bfiyrfr 8fr yu8d. Fbruy t yduor unotr nuoyg fnog iinuyt4 jyurjgu y tihuttihyub ibunb gut iltgdb y5ldh ft.h .tf.y 5d y5diltdy ijlbdyrxinlbtr ijov5lzuiv5riuk v
Literally what is this craziness?
That means hello in America.
"In Egypt, that means "hello.""
"What up? That means hello in America."
What Up is a phrase commonly used by Barney Stinson, usually heard at the end of a comically appropriate sexual comment, often accompanied by a high five. Its style varies from time to time as do most of Barney's catchphrases, being either high-pitched or low-pitched, oddly pronounced or even not verbally said.
Open bar for the guys, open casket for the ladies, what up!
Shut the FUCK UP!
What the FUCK…?
Get the FUCK OUT!
OMG! Shut the, What the, Get the!