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Vngn gnh,bn,cnhmdbvnhmdbvnhfbny dbyntgnydgfnyjjm. Hgnhd hg yn gdy mdgny yjhrsnihr3f9gn8fr98gu rfn9ur rv79yv g78f 6y8fvr 68gfvr687 6t7h8 768hrtyht yyt46b88b8b68g bfiyrfr 8fr yu8d. Fbruy t yduor unotr nuoyg fnog iinuyt4 jyurjgu y tihuttihyub ibunb gut iltgdb y5ldh ft.h .tf.y 5d y5diltdy ijlbdyrxinlbtr ijov5lzuiv5riuk v
Literally what is this craziness?
You want me and my life to be worse than yours on the basis of things I've said so you are trying to deny me the credit for the things I've done because if you can't punish me for doing things you don't like (regardless of the consequences or laws) then your just going to refuse to reward me for my virtues EXCEPT you aren't actually rewarding people with "resources" for their virtues... You are stealing resources for and giving resources to the fat cocks because they make your pussy twitch and it FeEeEeLS SoOo GoOoOoD!!! You're like the Key and Peele "Awkward" sketch where you don't actually have a genuine thought in your head so it's just "I choose the bear!" And I say, just feed anyone who chooses the bear to a bear. And THAT is why the Taliban exists and THAT is what makes Muhammad a fucking genius because THAT stops THIS from happening and if your faculties of reason could override your orgasm derived brain spams it wouldn't be necessary. It's also why we don't need sex robots because (in the context of determinism AND evolutionary biology) WE ALREADY HAVE THEM AND THEY ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT THEY HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO DO.
So this is what's happening here:
Hym "Yeah, don't go in there. There's a bear in there."
You "ThErE's A bEaR iN tHeRe! ThErE's A bEaR iN tHeRe!"
Hym "Seriously, I-"
You "ThErE's A bEaR iN tHeRe!"
Hym ๐
You "SeRiOuSlY, I!" *reaches for door handle*
Hym "You need to stop you're gonna-"
You "YoU nEeD tO sToP! YoU nEeD tO sToP!" *Opens door* *Proceeds to get mauled by bear* "AAAAAH! AAAAAH! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOoOoOuUuU!"
Hym ๐ *Sigh* "You know... If I would have raped Kendra.... I would be getting out of prison right about now... And I would still have to work at a gas station... Therefore, probably just better to rape. Should have raped. I might have even gotten away with it!"
You *Continues to get mauled* "AAAAAAH! I CHOOSE THE BEAR! AAAAAH!"
Hym "AHA! Hahahaha! Ooooh man... You know... I still don't ever get tired of watching people die... *Sigh*"
You "GAAAK! GAWK!" *Crunching noises*
Hym "Hoooooo man.... Remember when God was like 'Hey, don't fuck your sister' and humanity was like 'How about I fuck my sister and then make a ritual where everyone I fuck is kind of my sister!?' Because... This is why you don't do that for 2000 years straight..."
What Up is a phrase commonly used by Barney Stinson, usually heard at the end of a comically appropriate sexual comment, often accompanied by a high five. Its style varies from time to time as do most of Barney's catchphrases, being either high-pitched or low-pitched, oddly pronounced or even not verbally said.
Open bar for the guys, open casket for the ladies, what up!
That means hello in America.
"In Egypt, that means "hello.""
"What up? That means hello in America."