My friend just got a 70 on his OSCP, he's really far down south
Usually found on larger women. The fat / flap of arm skin that hands loose, below the elbow.
Ew. Gross look at that lady’s fold-down elbows
Do you like having your heels licked
5 fingers down mom
When you're in public and trying to signal your girlfriend you want a blow job workout anyone knowing what the two of you are talking about.
Him "Come on let's go"
Her "where are we going?"
Him "Down country!"
sitting down in a professional manner and learning and being educated in a business or craft with someone of vast knowledge on the field you selected to participate in. Because your a young 21 douche bag who knows nothing.
Mr. Johnson, I would like to soy down with you and go over the ways you want me to handle these new job duties.
(näk-ing it doun) v. expression used when one "manscapes" (see manscape). Also a term used when one uses specific designs in one's body hair.
Steve, a bear of a man, wanted to be as slippery as he could for his KY Wrestling match. He resorted to knocking it down to ensure that he was as slippery as possible.
A pose men with scrotums do when it is a mild to hot day and it's sweaty in the nether regions, so that, therefore, before and after, they're ballsacks do not stick to their legs
"blimey mate, hot as fuck eh?"
"aye mate, doing the upside down Y pose, my balls sticky"
"mate, shave"