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beating down my block

It’s like saying “ someone was all down your back” or being all in your business or can mean someone came off at you wrong.

Beating down my block ( Block as in your own lane or street) similar but different when folks say “stay in your lane

Boy: somebody blowing your phone up.

Girl: don’t be beating down my block! (don’t be all in my business)

Supervisor: They getting behind because you can’t seem to keep up quick, Omg watch out!

Me: You ain’t gotta beat down my block like that. ( you ain’t have to come off at me like that)

by Kierra Kierra October 25, 2023

horse down

To have sex with. Usually refers to intercourse, but less commonly refers to other sexual acts, particularly cunnilingus.

I can't believe it, David tried to horse down Sofia after the party last night!

by thoolooexpress October 12, 2023

Sit down and Scratch

"Sit down and scratch" is a phrased used in Trinidadian Creole slang. Its represents an act of idleness, where a person has nothing to do and simply scratches themselves, is usually used sarcastically or as a joke.

"Wha dey feel it is? I busy inno, dey feel I does just sit down and scratch whole day awa?"

"Bai meen wanna do nun nah I just gonna sit down and scratch"

by Cydetrini November 6, 2023

Down Bad Bag

When you’re out of weed and or down bad and you need a small bag for a fix, usually to go to sleep in the middle of the night. More than likely nobody will deliver unless you have a Plug / Friend who’s up all night tripping, and more than likely needs to re up

“I’m going to deliver a down bad bag to some kid who has work in the morning
“It’s three in the morning”
“that’s why it’s a down bad bag”

by I didn’t change ur oil filter September 11, 2021

Chop it down

to leave

allgood im going to chop it down

by WEYCELF LINGO February 5, 2018

Dippin it down

Beyond ticked off- more like pissed off! When you are angry about something. Times when you are very annoyed at someone/something.

Man, when Shelly walked by with the same dress on as me I was DIPPIN IT DOWN.

"I got the last Coca cola!" --- Kate

by whoathatsmoyo June 6, 2011

Bushfire down under

When you light your pubes on fire instead of shaving them

Guy1: Bro did you shave

Guy2: nah I did the bushfire down under

by Tiny pp December 31, 2021