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A way of insulting your children.
Also none as baby goat or child.

Come along kids.
Bah, to you to kid.

by Shaddow fox January 27, 2021


A little monsters who always annoy me everytime. They are loud, jerk, hyperactive, and disgusting. They don't know when to shut up

The worst thing if they are screaming and crying inside airplane, I can't handle it and this makes me crazy.

These little bastard are sometimes super curious, they will do everything to figure it out what they want to know and sometimes they will do dangerous things. Sometimes, some parents aren't aware of their kids and let them do everything what they want. That sucks!
They are also fucking disgusting creatures. Their snot always come out of their nose and they eat it! Ewwwww! Or they put their finger to their mouth and touch me with their hands full of fucking saliva.

Person A: Hey, do you want to come to my house?

Me: Are your wife and your kids at home?

Person A: Yes, they always at home. My both kids are still toddlers and my wife is often overwhelmed to raise the kids. So yeah, raise a kid is so difficult!
Me: Okay, but sorry, I can't come because I'm busy today!

Person A: Okay, I understand that you don't want to meet with my kids
Me: Well, about that ...........

by nonexistentobject July 3, 2022


A broken condom, derived from the word headache

Those aint my kids

by fuckmyass67 December 11, 2018

1gou kids

same version of super lit kid and a lot more worst

they say bro you just posted cringe your going to lose subscribers for backup every nanosecond

and they fool someone with this TikTok user called @junya1gou with sus liked videos

You: shared your opinion

1gou kids: bro you just posted cringe your going to lose subscribers

Super lit kids: bro you just posted cringe your going to lose


by TheRealDarkSecretEnds January 22, 2023

try youtube kids

try youtube kids is a annoying pop up that happened because youtube was found guilty by COPPA for stealing kids data and now anything relating to cartoons or no swearing will sentence you to try youtube kids which prevents you from commenting on videos

person 1: oh wow i havent seen adventure time and avatar the last air bender in awhile let me comment on how cool this is *scrolls down* aw fuck me sideways and call me daddy i can't comment because of try youtube kids

by i eat doors March 23, 2024

bunny hat kid

Bunny hat kids are younger teens that wear bunny hats, which were popularized in 2020 by a sub-genre in tiktok culture dubbed alt tiktok. Bunny hat kids are associated with demonias, hello kitty, monster energy, fascism, nazism, neopronouns, the LGBTQ community, unusual makeup, discord, and much, much worse.

An odd pattern between bunny hat kids is being transgender, and changing your name. Stereotypical names include Kai, Arson, and Moth. Pronouns that bunny hat kids use are typically neopronouns or xenopronouns.

Bunny hat kids are usually highly susceptible to anything you can think of. Food, bandaids, bright colors, specific words or phrases, objects, anything you can think of, might offend a bunny hat kid.

"I am a bunny hat kid. I love danganronpa and wacky eyeliner, and my pronouns are he/it/they/bun/void."

by bunnyhatkid April 14, 2024

Sponge Kid

A Sponge Kid is a female between 13-22 who goes to all ages club , hangs at malls, and wheres tna, spongebob backpacks,kangroos. Sponge kids tend to have a very low iq, but do not judge them sometimes they can take really fuck you over in a very snakish way.

person: what u doin this weekend

Sponge Kid: going clubing

by boobnator December 22, 2010