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Deez nuts

A white boy who says this has no penis and is a cheater

Or if a Black boy says this they're the son of who created it :

Deez Nut's Hahaha is a word of a gamer for some reason Deez nuts

by sasuke the fuck boy May 5, 2020

deez nuts


deez nuts

by December 3, 2021

deez nuts

''do you know deez ''is the most deadly question and must be answered with the following, no but I know candis

do you know deez ,deez nuts reply is do you know candis ,candeez nuts , now that is a move if done right can be vary affecive

by giga chad 69 December 24, 2022

Deez Nuts

A joke personally to troll friends, family or randoms online.

A well known meme.

Person 1: “Hey, do you know Candice?”
Person 2: “Who’s Candice?”

by KNOWYOURFACTS June 2, 2021

Deez Nuts


Deez Nuts are salty

by KingNOfSweden12 March 6, 2016

deez nuts

Deez nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation. It is a rather figurative way to show disrespect towards the current topic of discussion. The phrase is often used as the punchline of a setup joke that involves asking someone a vaguely phrased question to solicit a follow-up question in response, typically in the form of one of the five Ws, before yelling out the said phrase in an obnoxious manner.

Me: Do you like parodies?
Victim: Yes
Me: Well, how would you like a pair of deez nuts in your mouth!?

by elaboratescanner04 January 22, 2024

Deez nuts


you are deez nuts

by comydumpster69 May 24, 2022