A women who has multiple baby fathers her children do not share the same dad.
A man who has multiple baby mothers his children do not share the same mother.
She has mix match kids.
Yo bro u got bud
Yeah bro
Roll up the lazz kid
A kid primarily in socal who is annoying and strictly dresses in skater fashion, does drugs and/or vapes, and always trying to pick a fight.
Person 1: Did you see that group of slushie kids?
Person 2: Yeah, there's so many of them recently.
Reason 1. Mentally Retarded. You're all mentally retarded. This leads you to interpret the information you receive incorrectly and/or causes you to deliberately misinterpret information. That is you being a retard.
Reason 2. The YouTube Filth. They are solipsistic vermin and your dead kids aren't even real to them. They CHOSE death for your kids and they did it with glee. They are not sorry. There were only 2 options here for them and they chose the child murder option and NOW... Now they are desperately trying avoid their own culpability in a crime they went out of their way to participate in and WERE WARNED would result in the murder of an indefinitely number of children. I mean, Cody Johnston and Katie Stohl weren't even involved initially! They wanted to jump on the hype train and join team child murder! And they did! Amd now the kids are dead... But! They're "sorry." So...
Reason 3. Not listening to your betters. I'm Hym. "Your better." That's me. I told you the child murder would occur. I told you what to do to stop it. You didn't listen and now you are burying your kids. You are trying to blame ME for YOU not listening to me. I proposed multiple solutions. You rejected all of them and then tried to game the system.
Reason 4. To protect a charlatan. How many lives are you willing to sacrifice so that a charlatan doesn't have to tell the truth if he doesn't want to? How many kids have to die so he can continue to pretend?
Hym "And there is my list of OTHER reasons your kids are dead. I could go on but I'm sure you get the picture. I'll just leave you with this. The people who have the most to gain or lose or the people who the most militant in just blindly being against me are the ones who deserve the most blame and have been amd will continue to be the most vocal in their Sunk Cost Fallacy. Your kids are already dead. They don't want to destroy their own lives the way they DESTROYED YOURS BY LETTING YOUR KID GET MURDERED JUST THERE IN THE EXACT WAY AND FOR THE EXACT REASON I FORETOLD! WHAT JUST HAPPENED THERE. THE THING THAT HAPPENED WAS THAT! THE YOUTUBE ANIMALS GOT YOUR FUCKING KIDS MURDERED! THEY DIED A COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE DEATH AND THE YOUTUBE FUCKS ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE! And that is the difference between me and a YouTube freak. I won't pretend to care about your kids. They will. Now, they are going to pretend they didn't get your kids killed. And I won't."
Stupid idiot who plays nothing but rl/fifa. They have 0 brain and 0 social skills and they have 0 friends, bitches and father
When a child has been dressed or has been taught to dress in one solid color. Like purple shorts with a purple shirt. (Excludes black)
That poor Popsicle kid. Her mom has her in a blue shirt AND blue shorts. OH MY GOSH, her socks are blue too!
Shoulder length hair
Side bangs
Must have at least two pairs of skinny jeans
Wears Vans & Converse
Must have at least one pair of flats
Must always wear a necklace.
Hello Kitty
Brass Knuckles
Leopard Print
Gloomy Bear
Hair at least down to your ears
Dark hair
Choppy Type Hair
Tight Pants
Cute Smile
Famous Stars & Straps
+Garage Kid Personality
+Big Garage Kid Plus
Multi Colored Hair
+Garage Kid Talk:
+Use the words
boy: did you see that garage kid?
other boy: yeah she was intense.