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Booty cheese

Cheese/fungus that grows inside your Butt crack.

(Disclaimer!!!!!⚠️⚠️ not edible.)

“ Your booty cheese was mighty fine last night.”

by Walter White. January 22, 2023


Booty flavored cheese

I ate booty cheese for breakfast and felt energized

by LeBrOn JaMeS69420 January 21, 2023

Hotdogs and mac and cheese

When you give a foot job to a guy that has dick cheese

"Yo darrle got the hotdogs and Mac and cheese treatment last night"

by Nick gurh01 June 11, 2023

smell like cheese

When a male dominant predator kisses god.

"Yo jamal did you kiss god, cause you smell like cheese"

by Dahvede October 18, 2020

cheese durry

Someone who is an idiot, who doesn't know how to comprehend a sentence. Someone who is always stressy and annyoing. A cheese durry always chats alot of shit. (Danny Williams).

Shut up you cheese durry.

by slge December 14, 2014

Melted Cheese

An expression used when something is good in a satisfying way. Similar to 'cool beans' but more commonly used within a sentence as opposed to as being an individual phrase.

The game last night almost made me cry it was so good. The melted cheese of all games!

Have you seen that guy's shirt?
Melted cheese.

by DoppioCioccolato May 10, 2023


Bizarre, off the planet, might have come from the moon.

Rejecting all the evidence, Tim stuck doggedly to his green-cheese conviction that the indigenous population had arrived only 700 years ago.

by Claude Ball November 18, 2017