A more extreme version of “down bad” where someone is not only horny but also so far gone that they’ll do it with anyone.
“I wanna suckle on your feet with my tongue”
“Wtf dude, you’re down delirious”
What you want to say when you are saying that a specific tree fell down.
Tim said to his friend Jim "The tree fell down right here." and not even a few seconds later a tree had fallen down on Jim. He was fine in the end but he had to get another job because he couldn't afford to pay his medical bills to the Hospital.
the best man you can ever meet, he will always make you happy and makes you laugh, he always goes with an aurelia as his sidekick.
“look! there goes timothy down with his sidekick aurelia!”
When depression hits you whenever the criminal Hillary doesn't go to jail.
John was down in the Hillary after watching the news that Hillary won't go to jail.
Someone telling someone else to tone it down usually has nothing to do with race, it's because the other person is full of shit.
He/she didn't like being told that he/she was full of shit even if the person that said tone it down had a point, and the one they said to tone it down to had no point, but still looked for anything he/she could to be argumentative over just to be argumentative, a stop sign being red not being good enough of an answer not to get argumentative about it without good reason, for example.
person 1: bro should we go digging straight down?
person 2: bro NO
person 1: why???
person 2: because its suicide
When one gets home from work sits down and drinks until he or she blacks out.
Hey bro want to sit down blackout?