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Imac ‘n cheese

Apple brand mac ‘n cheese

“Do you want some mac and cheese?”
As long as it Imac ‘n cheese

by I_eat_dick December 14, 2021

ghetto cheese

that stanky gas pack that smell like cheese. dude sellin it normally got dreads and hood ahh fuck

Yo I just cop that ghetto cheese of Marquis. Damn nigga that shit smell like parmesan!!

by realsmoka011 August 29, 2023

Cheese Man

A fucking hypocrite

Man, BMTS is so corrupted because its owner is a Cheese Man

by Some Random Bird Thing October 22, 2020

cheese man

a cheese man is someone (most knowingly a person that is bald) he has an orange face and almost all his face is the same skin tone which makes him look like a cheese.

someone: so what type of guys are you into?
namjoon: “i’m really into the cheese man

by devilicpower July 7, 2020

cheese man

a man that’s made out of cheese but is also a human that saves the world from evil cheese

“oh yeah I saw cheese man on the news last night he destroyed all the evil cheese”

by AyUpLuv July 30, 2021

Cheese man

Big man with sweaty pits And a hairy stomach and usually has grease and cheese behind balls and crack.

Youre a cheese man

by Bigboy03 October 16, 2020

Cheese man

Very, very hot person. He could melt you if you just stepped within a mile of him. 🥵

Cheese man=Hot

by Artistiicz October 6, 2021