“Do you want some mac and cheese?”
As long as it Imac ‘n cheese
that stanky gas pack that smell like cheese. dude sellin it normally got dreads and hood ahh fuck
Yo I just cop that ghetto cheese of Marquis. Damn nigga that shit smell like parmesan!!
Man, BMTS is so corrupted because its owner is a Cheese Man
a cheese man is someone (most knowingly a person that is bald) he has an orange face and almost all his face is the same skin tone which makes him look like a cheese.
someone: so what type of guys are you into?
namjoon: “i’m really into the cheese man”
a man that’s made out of cheese but is also a human that saves the world from evil cheese
“oh yeah I saw cheese man on the news last night he destroyed all the evil cheese”
Big man with sweaty pits And a hairy stomach and usually has grease and cheese behind balls and crack.
Very, very hot person. He could melt you if you just stepped within a mile of him. 🥵
Cheese man=Hot