Engaging in non-laddish behaviour such as dodging pints or leaving part of their steak supper
Oh he’s doing a Lishman again
Process of popularizing a social issue by getting millions of people to tweet it and Facebook it, whether or not it is a significant or relevant issue.
Sexual slavery is a huge problem around the world.
Yeah, you should do a Kony on it.
No matter what situation your in even if its a bad one.. If you got yourself into it just do what u gotta do.
So I met this chick at the bar but she's not that hot but she's DTF.. Just "do what u gotta do".
I'll give you 1 million guesses and I guarantee it's the you'd ever want me to do.
Hym "Your self-help bullshit is cancer and if you all killed yourselves today you would be doing everyone you siphoned wealth from would be better off. And true hell is having your kid murdered by a guy everyone around you provoked into killing your kid. Having to look your neighbors in the face for the rest of your life knowing full-well that they could have done otherwise. What do you think the thing I'm called to do would be in this situation? I'll give you 1 million guesses. You only need 1 but you would take all of them before getting it right."
This phrase is used to express disappointment in ur friend. It's nigerian pidgin English.
Oga wetin be dat? Are you mad? Mek'am stand hya do dis ting oo!