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fat Magna

The beastiest FWD you will ever see, just make sure that you are 24/7 fangin the frick outta the thing when u go limmy bashing with the PVC pipe snorkel

We were really fangin it in the fat Magna

by BundyRumYTB October 6, 2019

big fat liar

people who lie about not making dictionary definitions

person 1: i didn't make antifrenchist
person 2: you big fat liar

by thatguy7653 September 15, 2023

fat kitten

A person which, as the name suggests is fat. Despite the name, kitten actually refers to a human whom is of small stature and girth. The term was first coined on the popular messaging board Reddit and became a "meme".

"Wow that hacker is such a fat kitten."

"He was such a fat kitten in bed!"

by HackerRhino June 6, 2017

Fat fishing

When you upload or share pictures on the internet while hiding the fact that you are fat. Taking pictures from the neck up because you are overweight or taking pictures hiding the "pooch" with a purse or handbag, or any object including other people. Taking pictures sideways because your are overweight and uploading on social media. Basically any attempt to hide being over weight via pictures. Using slimmer pictures or avatars of yourself than you are as a socila media profile picture.

All her pictures are from the neck up, she's probably fat fishing.

She only take pictures with her purse covering her stomach, shes probably fat fishing.
I saw her pictures and thought she was slim, but when we met she was fat and said those were her older pictures, I got fat fished.

by spitts mcman October 2, 2023

Fat load

A large amount of semen that is about to squirt out of your penis during orgasm

I’ve got a fat load and it’s about to explode


fat dread

Typically a male or female with overly obese dreads who don’t really manage them and care for them properly.

Ethan has some very fat dreads”.

by J Spates May 10, 2024

fat dread

when yo dread fat

“what type of Ahh dreads do i have sir?”
“Thou have the Fat dread Mate.”
“Sir yes sir!”

by bruh163836 February 24, 2024