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New Jersey Cheesecake

Noun describing the fetish of having feces rubbed on your face with male semen on top.

Last night we had the most intimate moment that ended with a New Jersey cheesecake.

by DirtyJersey7689 February 23, 2023

new motorcycle order aka “NMO”

Originally started in 1998 at ProSource motorsports in yorkville Illinois. It consisted of all of the fastest motocross racers in the surrounding Chicagoland area. Anybody who was anybody wore the NMO flag. Its creator, Big daddy Baird passed away in 2021.
In 2023 the NMO flag was resurrected, and is now standing tall back in Yorkville Illinois.
Its new home GP Cyclesports has become the new home for all Motocross,Supercross Enduro, Hare scramble racers to call home.

GP Cycle Sport is home to all of the fastest racers in the Chicagoland area.

We’re part of the new motorcycle order aka “NMO

by Moto man January 4, 2024

New World Disorder

Conspiracy of a secret society of the world’s most richest and powerful. They seek to dramatically reduce world population and destroy freedom and justice and rights for all human beings. They seek to degrade and dumb down society and take away peoples liberties without people even realizing it. They are Satanists and devote their lives to evil and control. It is integrated in their secret satanic religion. They want full control over all other humans and a one world government which they will control like a puppet master. They seek to pacify people and keep them brainwashed and asleep. See: sheeple

Currently, All of the peoples of the World are asleep and living within a Matrix that is called the New World Disorder.

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker April 21, 2021

New York Minute

An extremely short period of time; a few seconds; the time it takes for "everything to change" or "things to get pretty strange" for a New Yorker.

Song "New York Minute" by DON HENLEY recording as a SOLO ARTIST and not as a MEMBER OF *THE EAGLES* as some have suggested.

In a New York Minute everything can change, in a New York Minute things can get pretty strange.

by Trancengineer August 29, 2018

new jersey whiteout

When one sucks the cum out of another and spits it onto their face.

You gave Jon a New Jersey Whiteout? I feel bad for you.

by Disgusting Gremlin Jon January 31, 2021

New Doofy

A better, more enlightened version of one's former self. Often used jokingly in the frame of Chuck Norris jokes and "Old Kanye vs. New Kanye". New Doofy always has money, class, impeccable style and is well-liked.

New Doofy narrates Morgan Freeman's life.

by Acoustic Cat August 25, 2022

New Doofy

A better, more enlightened version of one's former self. Often used in the frame of Chuck Norris jokes and "Old Kanye - New Kanye" comparisons. New Doofy always has more money, class, style and wisdom than his former self.

New Doofy always has money in the banana stand. New Doofy sleeps with a pillow under his gun.

by Acoustic Cat August 25, 2022