What are you doing here?
Huh? You oicked the wrong donut, What?
you're always fuckin' lookin' at me dude!!! hahEAH👹👺shutthefuckup because i ALwAys catch u lookin' at me. i sWEar ask anybody dood🤎. anybody would tell you you're always staring at meeeeee😂🙄. let me find out u like me duod HaHEAH👹👺
Pewdiepie's famous deathening ad
WHAT?! YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED TUBER SIMULATOR?! You know, it's fun, right?
the Word which comes before the phrase "you've never played Tuber Simulator?!?!"
Friend: I shot Obama Last Night. You: WHAT! Friend: You've Never Played Tuber Simulator???