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A gifted writer. A person who writes well.

Claire is a word-meister. She writes so well that her articles are a joy to read.

by huskytoby October 30, 2013

moms the word

A phrase used mostly by people called Tom who have a below par sense of humor. Also often spelt incorrectly using the word 'mom' which is clearly American, and not English.

'moms the word' please get a better sense of humor Tom

by mgkfmgkfmgkfm January 27, 2022


On the mug. That's it.

Hey he's using me I'm popular!👇🏿 also so there's no errors: word(ud)

by ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ July 10, 2023

2👍 2👎

Big Word

A word that is big and now your here to find what it means

Damn thats a big word, might need to look at ye ol urban dictionary

by D E A D C O R E July 1, 2021

ska word

a thing i invented it means squidward but i coulentd pronunce it i sayd "ska word"

ska word a new meme

by brillets spark paaw January 1, 2018

ska word

its a new meme i made up cuase i coulend pronunce

ska word the new meme

by brillets spark paaw January 1, 2018


Racist slurs directed towards Southern Asian demographics (Paki for Pakistani people or Pakistani descendants, Pajeet for Hindi people or Hindi descendants)

Mindlessly using slurs, such as P-Word, N-Word, C-Word, K-Word, or A-Word shows your maturity level

by Sir. B April 23, 2022