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Its a kid that is smart and its a small kid that is very small and not-smart


by NInja AP June 9, 2021

Club Kids

A bunch of Downstate faggots and whores who were refugees of a drag queen contests who dress likes freaks. They love clubs and ecstasy while listening trash music. The Downstate media looks to promotes these freaks as trend setters who should be followed.

In the 1990s the club kids were trend setters who the Downstate media loved to promote for being nobodies. Most of these freaks have died AIDS or drug overdoses. These faggots and whores conned Downstate morons with their lack of talent.

by queensburykid October 5, 2023

If you threaten a kid

You don't have schizophrenia. You don't have severe mental issues. You aren't a mythical creature from the underworld. That isn't how reality works.

Hym "And if you threaten a kid and the guy keeps doing the thing your threatened the kid over, murder the kid. Maim it. Mangle it. Kill someone else's kids. Kill as many kids as it takes for him to learn the lesson threatening his kid didn't teach him. The more blood you spill, the closer he gets to understanding that his kids isn't worth 2 cents buried in a pile of donkey shit. And then kill yourself to show him that you aren't afraid of whatever God he cowers before."

by Hym Iam August 1, 2024

American Standard Dolphin Kid Dream

An approximately turkey sized child sized child to be served to one or two dolphin(s), 2-5 times a day.

Specifically in the Atlanta Metro area.

I can see two prime American Standard Dolphin Kid Dreams headed our way now.

by Roycupine November 23, 2023

Ice Pack Kid

The kid that always brings an ice pack in their lunch. Typically always has the best foods for lunches and will seldom share it. These kids are often quick to anger not only regarding their lunches but also with many other situations that put them in an uncomfortable situation. These kids also follow the trend of growing up with YTV and can be generally very overprotective.

“Dude what did you pack for lunch?”
(Opens bag) “Oh just some leftovers.”
“Aw man an Ice pack? I totally took you for an Ice Pack Kid!”
(Seemingly becoming defensive) “What’s wrong with having an ice pack in my lunch? And no I’m not sharing!”

by JimLahey6/10 September 14, 2022

brush your teeth with the kids

The practice of using semen to brush one’s teeth instead of the traditional toothpaste.

Husband to wife after work: It’s been a long day at the office darling darling, and I know it’s that time of the month, so I hope you’re ready to brush your teeth with the kids!

by HygieneXpert January 17, 2023

kiss the kids goodnight

When a man jizzes in their partner's mouth but then kisses them before they swallow. Hence, kissing his kids (his seed) goodnight before they go down for a nap in their partner's belly.

Brad: Dawg, you won't believe what Stella did to me last night, shit was disgusting!
Chad: No way bro tell me
Brad: I thought she swallowed but she made me kiss the kids goodnight
Chad: that's fucking heinous bradtato chip. break up with her!

by vapemeister420 December 8, 2022