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Great Neck North High School

Straight up, a bunch of pussy ass Persians

Great Neck South High School is......Smarter, Better at Sports and less Hairy than Great Neck North High School....

by Southerner ^ December 8, 2010

61đź‘Ť 49đź‘Ž

Waterbury career academy high school

Waterbury career academy high school a fake ass wanna be “private” school is full of attention seeking whores and think their attitude is cute asf. Males that stand in the hallway with their head phones on singing loud asf which we know won’t turn out to be shit. The principal stalk you on his cameras & bitch about dress code every damn day like it’s a deadly weapon which doesn’t help the fact that they have the AC on in the winter, we’re only allowed to wear thick ass black shirts all yr and niggas be burning up in June. subs that don’t speak English, principle favorite kids and leave the others out. Everybody is basically pussies there tbh, talk shit when you’re not around for attention. It’s not about learning in this piece of shit it’s about passing your classes bc the teachers don’t teach shit and they are alll crazy asf.

Outsider: you’re in high school and didn’t learn this?

Waterbury career academy high school student: the teachers don’t teach us shit there

by Waterbury April 8, 2018

13đź‘Ť 8đź‘Ž

st george girls high school

A school located in some place way too near the shire that has way too much school pride. It is the only all girls public school for miles around where the students are forced to wear ties, even worse...candy stripe ties. They have so much school pride that they are like a private school with less funding. This school is a haven for nerds and azn kids.

People try very hard to get into this school and are expelled for the stupidest reasons. For one, expelling someone because they have become pregnant or because they've had three minor strikes (for example three brushes are: 2 cases of truancy, 1 minor case of vandalism) is pretty silly. Catholic and private schools are fairer than this. Maybe if you like to study and be good you will like this school.

Also, wearing the wrong socks will get you detention. Refusal to attend detention will get you suspended. If you wear the wrong socks, you will be forced to buy some from the principal's office. Seriously,no public school is this strict on uniform. Top buttons must be done up when wearing your tie. Even though you cannot see it because the tie is done up infront of it. Also, all sleeves must be unrolled. The length of the socks is crucial. It cannot go over mid-shin and it cannot reveal any part of your ankle. What kind of public high school cares this much?

The sane people who attend this school have said "I'm leaving this school!" at least 50 times a year.




sane kid 1: You know what...If I get busted one more time, I'll be expelled...YESSSSSSSSS!

sane kid 2: Lucky! That's insane...you've only truanted once!


sane person 1: shit I'm broke.

sane person 2: what? you had ten bucks this morning!

sane person 1: Yeah, the K made me buy these socks...

sane person 2: st george girls high school sucks...

by Smidgeon of Pigeon November 8, 2006

114đź‘Ť 98đź‘Ž

wallkill valley regional high school

Four year regional public high school in Sussex County New Jersey (refer to n.\dirty jerzey). Where kids from Hardyston, Franklin, Ogdensburg and Hamburg, grades 9-12 study from a wide range of programs including potsmoking 101, fag-a-nomatry, drug dealing literature, AP dblocking, gay YELLOW VDUB auto shop, and penis graffiti visual arts. Rated one of the worst schools in the world because of its scumbag to do-good student ratio of 126:1, and most kids drop out anyway.... who cares. The schools alma matter is "when in doubt, pound it out".

JOE: " so you're from Wallkill Valley regional high school, aye?"

REESE: "yeah, i graduated with a degree in erectile engineering, and minored in fake rasta comp."

by jizzyjim57 January 16, 2012

28đź‘Ť 20đź‘Ž

st george girls high school

The best selective high school in the world, with perverted boys as a brother school.

"Those girls are just so smart... and so cool..."
"So the must go to St. George!"

by Bec Simpson May 2, 2005

103đź‘Ť 92đź‘Ž

st george girls high school

the school that's too strict with a principal that thinks the students are all 'bright shining stars'. the students are also too supportive of each other a.k.a the worst selective school ever

- at st george girls high school -
student: *wears ankle socks*

by fkasnfjkaws December 28, 2012

24đź‘Ť 17đź‘Ž

Albert Einstein High School (AEHS)

Albert Einstein High School is the performing arts school of the MoCo,but also holds a IB program and other crappy programs that students don't care about.Einstein holds the super annoying random artsy kids to the smart, ass holes of the IB program.The school also house the Visual Art Center,a place where kids paint acceptable art work.

J:Hey what school do you go to?
E:Albert Einstein High School (AEHS)
J:Oh cool the arts school.

by Fatrstankboy October 14, 2012

11đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž