Source Code

The Cat

A brat

The Cat Is A Brat

by The Real Orange Man October 10, 2023

Kink shaming a cat

Doing something pointless or impossible. Defined as such since cats are not subject to and care not about whatever code of sexual purity you're trying to enforce.

"Through God, nothing is impossible!"
"Of course there are things that are impossible. Ever try to kink shame a cat?!"
"Give it up already. You're kink shaming a cat!"
(by sea.ya.later on TikTok)

by shakleton November 22, 2021

1👍 1👎

fat cat threeway

A man using sunglass lanyards on 2 women while inserting from behind.

Come here girls... we’re having a fat cat threeway.

by Thatbitchagain.... July 2, 2019

ur cat a twat

the only insult capable of destroying the universe and everyone in it.
an infinity worse than all the ur mom gays and what not.

Thompsonson: ur mom gay
David: ur granny tranny
Gerome: ur cat a twat

*Universe implodes*

by Pusseylovah06 March 27, 2018

Dog in a Cat

When a dogs cums inside of a cat and it makes a hybrid cat-dog

I saw a Dog in a Cat! what the hell

by PabloOzuna3219487436543970632 March 17, 2023

Barn Cat

A Woman with three or more children with three or more different fathers.

Felicia is such a barn cat she has three children and they all have different fathers

by DictionaryQueen1234 September 30, 2019

drinking cat's blood

When you eat a girl out during her period.

I thought his tongue was red after having a glass of Hawaiian Punch, but he was actually just finished drinking cat's blood

by Your Everyday Psychopath April 18, 2016