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20 questions

when someone asks way too many question like when u are @ the poice station and they ask you questions.

I can't stand her! She like askin 20 question bout anyone i talk to. Who she think she is the FBI?

by slangologist November 30, 2004

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may 20

national give-a-short-yellow-person-with-a-big-nose-all-your-chocolate day

β€œwhat day is it?”
β€œmay 20, why?”

by disgusting freak October 21, 2019

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

December 20

National anime day grab your pocky and merch and show the world how much of a weeb you are don't forget to watch anime

Random weeb: REEEEEEEE *running around with a bunch of pocky and anime merch*

Person: wtf

Random weeb: ITS DECEMBER 20th

person: oh no it's national anime day

by Anime weeb December 7, 2019

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High 20

Similar to a high 5 or high 10, but involves use of both hands and both feet. The participants stand opposite eachother and then jump, slapping both pairs of hands together, as well as touching both pairs of feet.

Person 1: Nice one, High 20!

Person2: No way, you might kick me or something!

by Harrison92 September 23, 2008

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April 20

Girls born on this day are the lit shit. They always have friends wherever they go and are the best of friends, ONLY IF YOU DONT CROSS THEM! Boys born on this day are crackheads...

You know that dude Hitler?
Ye. I heard his birthday is April 20!
Thats totes prob why hes a crackhead

by Sandybobbles November 2, 2019

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twitter 20

When you just can't get your point across the way you'd like to in the space provided. Doesn't have to apply to twitter, but specifically refers to the 140 character limit of twitter, compared to the 160 character limit of a text message.

I knew what I wanted to say, but I couldn't fit it all in!
That's what she said.
No, really, I just experienced a serious case of "twitter 20".

by @fringledotus December 16, 2010

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20 skeeps

1. Twenty-five (25): Derived from the fact that at local Ann Arbor bar "Scorekeepers", bottled beer is only $.75 on Friday nights; thus, one could theoretically purchase twenty-five beers with $20.

2. A lot; a whole bunch.

Markman had 20 skeeps of beer last night.

by BKA2 March 17, 2009

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