Any U.S. American who originates from somewhere north of Dallas and east of Louisiana.
Those pompous, ignorant Yankees pronounce pecan “PEA can” instead of “puh-COHN” and they call cars “caaahs”.
A person you can depend on, they are always there for you regardless... and you cant help but love them
they talk like an American and always deny it and they sexy as hell (;
girl 1: why are you even putting up with him ?
girl2: you don't get it... he's my yankee!
Normally found without its brim
Just like a quickie, except you're by yourself.
Went home last night, had a yankee, and went to bed.
The string on the end of a tampon. Once the tampon has completed it's useful life, a woman will grab (yank)the tampon string to remove it, hence a "Yankee"
My girl, Savanah Jo, always uses Yankees to remove her tampon...... Or so I have been told!
a word to sum up the some one from the deep south of the us of a or as a insult
i would have gotten the cash if it was not for thouse damn yankees