Source Code

u alright?


"u alright? u alright? u alright? u alright? u alright? take this."

by u alright ? April 12, 2019

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A Nazi submarine that suffered failure on launch twice.

U-569 makes the contact and leads them.
U-94 scores a kill in the dark.
U-124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches.
U-406 suffers failure on launch agaiiin!

by anonymous6496782 August 24, 2019

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A made up language that incorporates slang, mispronounced words, poor gramar, and "clever" word associations.

U-bonics is a form of degraded English, used mostly by lower class American youth.

"What dat fo? You know wat I be sayin! U-bonics iz I talkin bout!"

by Spirrowmint March 11, 2006

46πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Hows u

Hows u
Hows u is short for; β€œHow are you?” -Or- β€œHow are you doing?”
But it also depends in which sentence you use it.
Like for instance if u say; β€œhows ur studies doing?” Then it would mean; β€œHow are ur studies doing?
So let’s say its more like when u put β€œu” or β€œur” that changes the meaning of the word a bit.

-Hows u?
-I am doing fine ty and u?
-I am ok!
------------------------- ------------
-Hows ur gf/bf doing?
-He/She is doing just fine, ty and u?
-I’m doing ok.

by Sdw1star February 3, 2007

41πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Adore U

Written "Adore you(Akkinda)" and pronounced "Adore You" is a song relased in 2015 by the young and risisng k-pop group Seventeen. The song was written and produced by 'Lee Jihoon' (With help from Pledis Entertainment). It was written as a pop ballad in which you are telling your loved one hoe much you Adore them with the lyrics of the song. With 13 members in the group, the song combines vocal, hip hop, and amazing choreography to portray this story while still having an extremely catchy beat.

"Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this baby, Adore U, Adore U, enough to get dizzy"

by divabootrash August 31, 2016

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

u stink

Stinky means take a shower u smell take a shower

Joe : Ew you stink take a shower Tom : Shut up fine I'll take a shower

by milo1111 March 21, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


(n) Aus.

The turning of a vehicle around 180 degrees, often upon realising that one is travelling in the incorrect direction. (often following a conjugated form of "chuck").
Similar to "U-ey".

Origin: From the phrase "U-turn", characterised by the motion of the vehicle following a "U" shaped turn.

Having reached a dead end, Sharon chucked a U-Banger to return to the highway.

"Nah, nah, mate. Ya took the wrong turn. Just chuck a U-banger and I'll show you the way".

by XenoXTA October 30, 2017

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