me: hey babe put on the alien suit and eat expired milk
someone: oh
me when alien vomit :heart eyes emoji:
The practice of improving a microwave by creating a concoction in a large coffee jar of a few large turds; take a shit in the jar or scoop it in, the former is better than the latter as it doesn’t leave scoop marks. Then fill the jar with piss (you may need more than one person here unless you have a full bladder).
Put the lid on the jar and you have what looks like a preserved brain In formaldehyde.
Add to an enemy’s microwave, put on full power and walk away.
The resulting explosion will destroy the microwave and possibly the ceiling too.
Never buy a second hand microwave with burn marks on.
That landlord didn’t give me my deposit back so I popped an alien’s brain in the microwave and bid him a good day.
when the legal system doesn’t use any words from foreign countries in America
The alien abandonment made minorities comprise most of the criminal justice system in America and the courts don’t try to speak their language variations either.
when a girl gives birth on your face
Did you hear about Jessica last week?? Apparently she did an alien sunset on Josh.
An invasion of European descendants with Pox diseases into America, decimating the Native Americans Indigenous groups, and taking over their land by committing genocide bringing their disease in purpose.
Karen - Ken tells you: Go back to where you came from.
Your comeback can be: You go back where YOU came from you Alien-Specie Pox.
Alien-y is a word used to describe things that look like alien stuff.
Person 1: What the hell is this?
Person 2: Looks Alien-y
Person 1: Lets throw this junk just in case.
This man be an alien like damn bruh hes sliggering outta control hes epic
Alien slugger
rhino is stinky and bubba is stoopid
Damn he pulled an alien slugger