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Dildo ball lover and he’s light skin with an Afro and likes other guys specifically WESTON JOUDI

That’s such an Avery “ he’s so gay

by Avery glazer April 22, 2024


Avery is a virgo who loves pinapples on pizza. she loves the vamps and has best friends usually called aathi maryam saesha and millie.

yeah i want an avery

by aathi June 5, 2021


Avery is that one gay friend that doesn't hang out with anyone else but girls, and he thinks he's better than everyone.

"you sound just like Avery"

by Jake Niman May 8, 2023


I'm submitting this for my friend who doesn't have an account:

Avery is a very kind and caring person. But you don't want to be on her bad side. She feels very strongly about social justice issues. She is gay. She loves making movies, and is great at it. She is also tall. She doesn't mind how she looks, she cares about how she acts. She is a loyal friend-somehow she is still my friend after 5 years.

Person 1: Who are those people? Why is that girl yelling at that person?
Person 2: Oh, that's Avery. The other person was being homophobic.
Person 3: Don't get on Avery's bad side.

by sparrowhawk12 March 1, 2022


Avery is a semi lovable dork that is a great listener. we love Avery (kinda)(jk).

Is that Avery?
yeah, she's such a dork.

by draginoch November 24, 2022


one of the best people i know. she is so sweet and is always there for anyone. she stands by her word and always sticks up for what is right


by morganrehzoe June 2, 2021


An Avery is the most beautiful person ever. She is loving, caring, kind, and very gorgeous but will always deny it. A lot of Avery’s have dark brown hair and blue eyes. Those are the good ones. They are very funny and happy until they get let down, and in that case they become stubborn and hard to make happy again. An Avery usually gets the best boyfriends and in high school, she will get many friends but not realize she’s popular already. She gets very turned on if you do a certain action but won’t be very turned on until you are in bed with her.

Guy 1. Woa do you see her? She’s so beautiful.
Guy 2. Ya man but she’s out of our league.
Guy 1. How so?
Guy 2. Her name is Avery.
Guy 1. Oh ya that makes sense.

by Rushing bulls February 13, 2021