Rly Rly Rly BA was and will be always considered the most BA spam in internet history. If not internet history, at least Neopet history. If not Neopet history, definitely The NW history.
One night Miranda was desperate for a RLY RLY RLY BA spam. Ina was determined to give her just that. The forum that once held many writing contests and writes help boards was being transformed into the battle fronts of a spam war. Boards were being posted right and left expressing how BA or NOT BA something was.
It was purely a spam to express yourself, as Giselle would put it- a date. Talking about your likes and dislikes.
The NW not only had an epic spam but we forever got closer on a personal level. How sweet.
The Spanish version of "va-jayjay".
OH, mija, why do you have to be such a ba-hayhay?
Is a word for a living beautiful mom who loves her little baby
I love my ee ba ba
I love you too eeb
Refers to a bad ass game of beer pong that just happened or could potentially happen.
Can be used to refer to a positive thing or situation.
Are you ready for some BA Pongage?
"Dude, that chick is so hot!"
"Yeah, there is some BA Pongage goin' on over there..."
Talking non-sense. Any type of fuckery, foolishness.
Almost everything he said was straight Boom-Ba-Ba-Cha!
shared thoughts -albeit wrong -views regarding Christmas Jesus and His Posse and THE Son of God's Birthday -thoughts shared online thru text pics audio/video for all the world to see with a badsanta twist
"hey bro, your cuz' sent me a ba humblog he's a fucking serious H-Tard"